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Pseudopolyps represent discrete areas of mucosal inflammation and regeneration that
are seen in a variety of inflammatory bowel disease including ulcerative colitis and
Crohn's disease. These polyps are typically short, measuring less than 1.5 §¯ in height.
Rarely, localized giant pseudopolyposis can occur, i.e., a collection of larger inflammatory
pseudopolyps giving rise to a mass lesion within the colon. The most serious problem
concerned with pseudopolyposis is a confusion with carcinoma.
We experienced a case of localized giant pseudopolyposis causing partial large bowel
obstruction. Right hemicolectomy was done for a preoperative diagnosis of ascending
colon carcinoma. The resected specimen contained a circumferential lesion, which was
composed of numerous interconnecting cylindrical villi, measuring 12 §¯ in length and 3
§¯ in height. Microscopically, these polypoid lesions were inflammatory pseudopolyps.
Several deep fissure-like ulcerations were noted with multifocal microabscess, lymphoid
hyperplasia and an area of noncaseating granuloma.


Localized giant pseudopolyposis; Granulomatous colitis; Carcinoma;

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