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We report a case of postpartum choriocarcinoma from a 23 year old primiparous
woman which was preceded by fetal anemia and intrauterine fetal death at 37 weeks
gestation. It has not been previously described in Korean literatures.
The placenta, weighing 550 gm, contained multiple intervillous thrombi with laminated
fibrin residue and pale cut surface. Histologic evidence of choriocarcinoma was not found
in the placenta or in any fetal organs at autopsy, but large number of nucleated red
blood cells and immature hemopoietic cells in the fetal capillaries of the placenta
suggested the presence of fetal anemia. It was assumed that fete maternal transfusion
might had played a major role of fetal anemia and death.


Choriocarcinoma; Postpartum; Fetal death; Transfusion; Intervillous thrombi;

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