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Fibrous pseudotumor of paratesticular region is rare, but one of the most common
neoplasm of that region. It has also been called as nodular fibrous proliferation,
pseudofibromatous periorchitis, benign fibrous paratesticular tumor, and fibrous
mesothelioma(pseudofibroma). We herein report a case of fibrous pseudotumor with
characteristic histological findings. The patient is a 59 year old male who had
incidentally found scrotal mass and undergone radical orchiectomy. There was two
separate nodules at tunics vaginalis and proximal spermatic cord which had bulging
whitish gray cut surface with focal myxoid change. Histologically, the mass was
composed of dense collagenous tissue with scattered lymphoid follicles and numerous
chronic inflammatory cells. There was a proliferation of spindle or stellate shaped cells,
some of which featured enlarged hyperchromatic nuclei with prominent nucleoli, and
abundant basophilic cytoplasm. These cells stained positive for vimentin and actin
immunohistochemically, suggesting that this lesion might derive from proliferation of


Fibrous pseudotumor; Paratesticular region; Myolfibroblast;

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