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ºñÀå¿¡ ¹ß»ýÇÑ ¸²ÇÁ°üÁ¾ -1¿¹ º¸°í- Splenic Lymphangioma -A case report-

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1994³â 28±Ç 5È£ p.533 ~ 535
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±è¿µ¹è/Young Bae Kim Ȳż÷/±èÁعÌ/ÁÖ¿µÃ¤/ÀÌÈ£¼®/Tae Sook Hwang/Joon Mee Kim/Young Chae Chu/Ho Suk Lee


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Lymphangioma of the spleen is a rare neoplasm and approximately 100 cases have
been reported in the world literature. This lesion may involve the spleen alone of may
be a part of a syndrome of multivisceral involvement. The pathogenesis is unclean
whether this is a true neoplasm or a developmental defect.
We report a case of a 87-year-old woman with solitary splenic lymphangioma. The
cut surface of spleen shows a well demarcated and multiloculated mass, measuring 5.5¡¿
4.5¡¿2.5 §¯. The mass is not encapsulated and located at the subcapsular area in the
mid portion of spleen. It is composed of variable sifted cystic spaces containing myxoid
tissue. Microscopic finding reveals dilated lymphatic spaces lined by endothelial cells and
the content is proteinaceous eosinophilic fluid. (Korean J Pathol 1994; 28: 533¡­535)


Lymphangioma; Spleen;

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