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°£ÀÇ ¼±Ãµ¼º ´ã³¶¼±Á¾ -1¿¹ º¸°í- Biliary Cystadenoma of the Liver -Report of a congenital case-

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Biliary cystadenoma of the liver is a rare multilocular cystic neoplasm of biliary
origin. It occurs most often in middle aged women and rarely in children. Histogenesis
of this tumor is uncertain. It may be developmental in origin arising from aberrant
hamartomatous bile ducts or ectopic rests of embryonic biliary tract or acquired as a
reaction of bile duct epithelium to various stimuli. We report a case of biliary
cystadenoma of the liver discovered at 8 months of intrauterine fetal life. This case
supports its congenital theory.


Liver; Biliary cystadenoma; Children; Congenital; Mesenchymal hamartoma;

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