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¿Ü»ý½Ä±â °á¼ÕÀ» µ¿¹ÝÇÑ »çÁö üº® ±âÇü º¹ÇÕü Limb-body Wall Malformation Complex with Absence of External Genitalia

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1995³â 29±Ç 2È£ p.248 ~ 250
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The limb-body wall malformation complex is a sporadic congenital anomaly
characterized by protean manifestations. The diagnosis is based upon the presence of at
least two out of craniofacial anomaly, body wall defect, and limb abnormalities.
We present a case of limb-body wall malformation complex. This case shows
abdominal and pelvic wall defects with eventration of the viscera. It also shows an
absence of right kidney, polycystic left kidney, absence of external genitalia and anus,
and lower extremity abnormalities. The right lower extremity is absent and the
deformed left leg shows malformed foot-like structure attached to the shin in addition to
a normally positioned left foot.
Our patient is the first case of complete absence of the external genitalia associated
with limbbody wall malformation complex in Korean publications and the seventh in
English publications.


Limb-body wall malformation complex; Absence of external genitalia;

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