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°£¼¼Æ÷¼±Á¾(hepatocelluar adenoma, HCA)Àº ÁÖ·Î °æ±¸ÇÇÀÓÁ¦¸¦ Àå±â°£ »ç¿ëÇÑ ¿©ÀÚ¿¡ ¹ß
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HCCÀÇ ¹ß»ýÀ» À¯µµÇÑ´Ù°í »ý°¢ÇÏ°í ÀÖÀ¸³ª, ³²¼º¿¡ ÀÚ¿¬ ¹ß»ýÇÑ HCA°¡ ÀÌ Çü¼ºÀ» ÀÚÁÖ
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ÀúÀÚµéÀº 42¼¼ ³²ÀÚ È¯ÀÚ¿¡ ¹ß»ýÇÑ HCA¿¡¼­ '°áÀý ³» °áÀý' ÇüŸ¦ ÃëÇÏ´Â ºñÁ¤Çü°áÀý
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this report presents a case of an atypical nodule arising in a hepatocellular
adenoma(HCA) in a non-cirrhotic liver of a 42-year-old man. The patient had been
relatively healthy until he developed right upper abdominal pain. Abdominal sonography
and computerized tomogram revealed a 7.5¡¿7 §¯ sized mass in the Tight inferior
segment of liver. The mass revealed the hiotologic features of HCA. At near center of
the HCA, was found a 1 cm sized discrete nodule, a nodule within a nodule. The nodule
revealed higher cellularity than the HCA and was composed of monotonous hepatocytes
with an increased nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio, resembling atypical adenomatous
hyperplasia. Interestingly, the atypical nodule showed a focal pseudoacinar arrangement
of tumor cells. The histologic features of the atypical nodule arising in HCA may
explain the morphological sequence of transformation from HCA to hepatocellular


Liver; Hepatocellular adenoma; Atypical nodule; Nodule within a nodule; Hepatocellular carcinoma;

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