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¼ö¼ú·Î Ä¡À¯µÈ ÀåźÀú 1¿¹ A Case of Intestinal Anthrax with Recovery after Surgical Intervention

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1995³â 29±Ç 2È£ p.268 ~ 271
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Anthrax in man is usually cutaneous, resulting from contact with materials derived
from infected livestock. Internal organs are infrequently involved. This report concerns a
case of primary anthrax of intestine. The first case of primary anthrax of intestine is to
our knowledge in Korea.
The patient was a 14-rear-old male who has complained of nausea, vomiting and
acute abdominal pain. History was otherwise noncontributory except for ingestion raw
meat of the dead cattle, one day before the onset of the disease. The cattle presumably
died due to Bacillus anthracis in a village Bae-Ban Dong in the city of Kyung Ju,
Kyung Pook. Among 15 sufferers, 2 cases died 3 days later. Bacillus anthracis isolated
from the raw beef, blood samples of two patients and throat culture of one patient. At
laparotomy, the peritoneal cavity was full of serosanginous fluid. Right hemicolectomy
including partial resection of ileum was done. The bowel was segmentally dilated,
hemorrhagic and necrotic, especially at terminal ileum. The mucosa was edematous and
largely ulcerated covered with greenish yellow exudate. The intense vascular congestion
with hemorrhage and numerous colonization of bacteria were present through the entire
wall. The organisms were large, gram-positive and PAS-negative bacilli in long chain.
Bacterial emboli were scattered in lymphatics. The other feature was band like lymphoid
cell infiltration in ulcer base and submucosal layer. Payer's patches were prominent and
the germinal centers were necrotic. Interfollicular spaces exhibited aggregates of
numerous atypical lymphoid cells. The cells were five times larger than resting
lymphocytes and had several prominent nucleoli and abundant amphophilic cytoplasm. On
immunohistochemical staining, most of atypical cells were positive for T-cell marker and
Ki-1 Ag. The mesenteric lymph nodes were enlarged, showing reactive feature, and the
atypical cells were also demonstrated. The patient recovered completely.


Anthrax; Intestinal type; T-cell; Ki-1 Ag; Survival;

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