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Female urethral adenocarcinoma is one of the rare tumors. It has been thought to
arise in the paraurethral Skene's gland, the transitional epithelium of proximal urethra or
the urethral diverticulum. This is to report a urethral adenocarcinoma developed in a 51
year-old patient who had a past history of suburethral abscess 7 years ago, and to
discuss its possible histogenetic origin. The tumor was located in the urethral wall and
revealed a centrifugal growth pattern toward the anterior wall of uterus and vagina and
an upward extension to the bladder neck. The tumor was composed mostly of well
differentiated adenocarcinoma and partly of signet ring cell carcinoma. The urethral and
bladder epithelia were well preserved without cancerous or precancerous changes, and
there was no urethritis glandularis nor cystitis glandularis. The secretory material of the
neoplastic glands was weakly positive for prostate specific antigen(PSA) and prostate
specific acid phosphatase(PSAP). Although the tumor cells themselves were not reactive
to PSA and PSAP, the histologic findings suggest that the urethral adenocarcinoma
arises in the paraurethral Skene's gland which had probably been the site of abscess in
this patient.


Urethra; Adenocarcinoma; Paraurethral gland; Skene's gland;

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