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°íȯ¸·¿¡ »ý±ä ¼¶À¯¼º À§Á¾¾ç Fibrous Pseudotumor of the Testicular Tunics

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Fibrous pseudotumor of the testicular tunics is a rare benign fibrous proliferative
disorder, but it is the second most common mass-forming lesion of the testicular tunics.
While these lesions are not strict neoplasms, they do form nodules and are often
mistaken for neoplasms. Herein, we report 2 cases of fibrous pseudotumor with
characteristic histologic findings. Both cases had been incidentally found as slow
growing scrotal masses and under went excision. There were several nodules along the
testicular tunics which had bulging whitish-gray cut surface with focal myxoid change
and a whirling appearance. These two cases showed the histologic spectrum seen in
fibrous pseudotumor from a haphazard arrangement of fibroblastic type cells with
intervening collagen and focal lymphocytic infiltrates in case 1, to a densely collagenized
lesion in case 2.


Fibrous pseudotumor; Testicular tunics;

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