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¼®È¸È­ È°¸·À°Á¾ 1¿¹ Calcifying Synovial Sarcoma

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1995³â 29±Ç 4È£ p.536 ~ 539
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Á¶³²º¹/Nam Bok Chog ÀÌÅÂÁø/±è¹Ì°æ/¼Û°è¿ë/¹Ú¿ë¿í/Tae Jin Lee/Mi Kyung Kim/Kye Yong Song/Yong Wook Park


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A case of calcifying synovial sarcoma, occuring in the deep muscle fascia of the left
thigh is reported. The presence of extensive calcification in synovial sarcoma is a
favorable sign for prognosis. The patient was a 31-year-old female. The tumor mass
had been present for 3 years, accompanying local tenderness. X-ray revealed a soft
tissue tumor with central calcification, which was located between the adductor magnus
and brevis of the left thigh. The tumor size was 7¡¿5.5 cm. There was no connection
with the flee joint or the femur. Grossly, the tumor was a relatively well circumscribed
hard tumor with massive calcification.
Microscopically, the tumor was composed of predominantly spindle cells with
accompanying hyalinization, numerous spherical concretions and ossification. The
epithelial component was not clearly noted. Mitotic figures were rarely noted in the
densely cellular area. Immunohistochemical staining for EMA, S-100, vimentin, and
carcinoembryonic antigen was negative while vimentin and cytokeratin were weakly and
focally positive. EM study revealed multiple desmosome-like intercellular junctions with
a slit-like lumen and an incomplete basal lamina, which suggest that these cells were
undergoing epithelial differentiation. Above evidence suggest that this tumor is a
synovial sarcoma associated with a large area of calcification, a so called calcifying
synovial sarcoma. No recurrence was noted in one and half years of follow up.


Synovial sarcoma; Calcification; Calcifying Synovial sarcoma;

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