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½Å¿ì¿¡ »ý±ä ÁøÁÖÁ¾ Cholesteatoma of the Renal Pelvis

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Cholesteatoma in the kidney and ureter are accumulations of waxy, gray flakes of
keratin materials, secondary to squamous metaplasia of the transitional epithelium.
Herein, we describe a case of cholesteatoma in the renal pelvis of a 69-year-old woman,
and give a brief review of the literature. In the upper pole of the left kidney was a 6
cm cystic lesion filled with a thick, flaky, grayish, cornified material. Microscopically, the
cystic area showed calyceal and pelvic structures being replaced by keratinizing
stratified squamous epithelium. The surrounding renal parenchyma was atrophic with
features of chronic pyelonephritis.


Cholesteatoma; Kidiney; Pelvis;

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