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³­¼ÒÀÇ Ç¥ÇÇ¾ç ³¶Á¾ -2¿¹ º¸°í- Epidermoid Cyst of the Ovary -Two case reports-

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Two cases of epidermoid cyst of the ovary are added to the ten reported in the
literature. This rare lesion is usually an incidental finding. Its main interest is in its
histogenesis, which includes metaplasia of the coelomic surface epithelium, monophyletic
development of teratoma, and metaplasia of the rete ovarii. We investigated two cases of
epidermoid cyst Histologic examination of the cysts showed a thin lining of mature
keratinizing squamous epithelium unaccompanied by skin appendages or other
teratomatous elements. (Korean J Pathol 1995; 29: 811¡­814)


Epidermoid cyst; Ovary; Histogenesis;

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