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¾ËÂêÇÏÀ̸ÓÀÇ »ý¾Ö¿Í ¾ËÂêÇÏÀ̸Ӻ´ÀÇ ¿ª»çÀû ¹è°æ Memorials of Alois Alzheimer (June 14, 1864¡­December 19, 1915) and Historical Background of Alzheimer's Disease

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1996³â 30±Ç 1È£ p.1 ~ 6
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December 19, 1995 is the 80th anniversary of Alois Alzheimer's death. Recently,
dementing illness including Alzheimer's disease has become the center of public interest
in Korea. However, there are not much information about him or historical background
of Alzheimer's disease. It is even misunderstanding. It seems to be meaningful to
introduce the lifetime of the Alois Alzheimer and the historical background of
Alzheimer's disease, especially in the anniversary of his death. (Korean J Pathol 1996;
30: 1¡­6)


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