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During evaluation of follow-up curettage of endometrial hyperplasia after progesterone
treatment, we have noticed that the foci of squamous or morular metaplasia are
persistent or even markedly increased after the hyperplastic glands have all disappeared.
These observations have led us to study the histological changes of squamous or
morular metaplasia in the hyperplastic endometrium after progesterone treatment and to
examine the changes of estrogen receptors(ER) and progesterone receptors(PR) to find
out, if there is any pathogenetic role of progesterone administration on the squamous or
morular metaplasia. Squamous or modular metaplasia was associated in 21 cases (13.5%)
out of 156 endometrial hyperplasia during the study periods and all of them were
associated with complex hyperplasia, but not associated with simple hyperplasia. At
follow-up curettage after progesterone treatment, squamous metaplasia newly appeared
in 3 cases(20%), markedly increased in 4 cases(26.7%), persisted in 4 cases(26.7%) and
decreased in 4 cases(26.7%), even after hyperplastic glands have all disappeared or were
markedly decreased. On immunohistochemical staining, metaplastic foci showed ER-and
PR-in 13 cases (87%) in contrast to the surrounding endometrium and the remaining 2
cases showed minimal ER+ and PR+ confined to several nuclei. Intensity or staining
pattern of ER and PR in metaplastic foci were not changed with progesterone treatment.
In the background endometrium, intensity of glandular ER+ and PR + was higher than
that of the stroma at the initial curettage, however, progesterone treatment
predominantly down-regulated glandular ER+ more than stromal ER+ . Increment or
persistence of squamous metaplasia along the progesterone treatment seemingly would
implicate hormonal influences as playing a significant role in the formation of squamous
or morular metaplasia and the absence of cellular receptors for these hormones in the
metaplastic foci may suggest qualitative changes in the receptors.


Endometrial hyperplasia; Progesterone treatment; Squamous metaplasia; Histologic change;

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