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°áÇÕÁ¶Á÷Çü¼º ¸ð³¶»óÇÇÁ¾ Desmoplastic Trichoepithelioma

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Desmoplastic trichoepithelioma is a solitary tumor of the hair follicle with female
preponderance, most commonly located on the face. Clinically, the lesions appear annular
and firm with a raised border and a depressed nonulcerated center, but the appearance
is not so distinctive to hair follicle tumors that definite diagnosis is established by the
histopathologic findings. We report a case of desmoplastic trichoepithelioma in a
67-year-old woman who had an asymptomatic, hard, annular lesion measuring 0.8 §¯ in
diameter, with a raised border and a depressed center on the right cheek.
Histopathologic findings showed narrow strands of basaloid cells, horny cysts, and
desmoplastic stroma, with the features corresponding to the desmoplastic


Desmoplastic trichoepithelioma;

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