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¾çÃø¼º ź¼º¼¶À¯Á¾ Bilateral Elastofibroma

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Elastofibroma is a rare benign tumor-like condition manifesting as firm and spherical
mass with poorly circumscribed margins of fibroelastic tissue, occuring in the
subscapular region or the chest wall of elderly persons. It is not a true neoplasm but
rather a reactive or degenerative process causing abnormal elastogenesis. It is unilateral
in the majority of cases and the right side is affected more commonly than the left. We
report a case of bilateral elastofibromas removed from both subscapular regions of a
73-year-old female farmer. She was presented with tender masses on the bilateral
subscapular areas for seven years. Microscopically, it consisted of a mixture of
intertwining broad eosinophilic collagen bundles and elastic fibers associated with a few
fibroblasts and mature fat cells. The elastic fibers had a degenerated beaded appearance
or were fragmented into serrated globules in a linear arrangement.


Bilateral elastofibroma; Subscapular region; Pain;

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