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³¶¼ºÁßÇÇÁ¾ Benign Cystic Mesothelioma

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1997³â 31±Ç 6È£ p.595 ~ 597
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ÀÓ¼ºÃ¶/Sung Chul Lim Á¤À¯°æ/À̹̼÷/±èÀ±½Å/¹ÚÇöÁ¾/ÃÖ»óÁØ/You Kyung Jeong/Mi Sook Lee/Yun Shin Kim/Hyun Jong Park/Sang Joon Choi


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³â Plaut°¡ 'benign cystic serosa-epithelioma of the peritoneum'À̶ó´Â Áø´Ü¸íÀ¸·Î óÀ½
º¸°íÇÑ ÀÌ·¡ LascanoµîÀº 'loose peritoneal cyst'·Î ¸í¸íÇÏ°Ô µÇ¾ú°í, ÃÖ±Ù¿¡´Â
'multilocular peritoneal inclusion cysts', 'benign cystic mesothelioma' ¹× 'so-called
cystic mesotheliomas' µîÀ¸·Î ºÒ¸®¿öÁö°í ÀÖ´Ù. ÀÌ¿Í°°ÀÌ ´Ù¾çÇÑ ¸íĪÀ» ºÎ¿©¹Þ°ÔµÈ °ÍÀº
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¸¸¼ºÀûÀÎ °ñ¹ÝÅëÀ̳ª º¹Åë ±×¸®°í, Á¾¹°°¨(sensation of a mass)ÀÌ °¡Àå ÈçÇÑ Áõ»óÀε¥, °£
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(pedicle)¿¡ ÀÇÇØ ¸Å´Þ·Á Àְųª, ½ÉÁö¾î´Â ÀÚÀ¯·Î¿î »óÅ·Π¶°µ¹¾Æ´Ù´Ï´Â ¿¹µµ ÀÖ¾ú´Ù. ±¹³»
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(infundibulopelvic ligament) ÇϹæÀÇ º¹¸·¿¡ ´Ü´ÜÈ÷ ºÎÂøµÈ ³¶¼º ÁßÇÇÁ¾ 1¿¹¸¦ °æÇèÇÏ¿´±â¿¡
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Benign cystic mesothelioma (BCM) is a rare mesothelial lesion that forms multicystic
masses in the upper abdomen, pelvis and retroperitoneum. Although it is categorized as
a benign lesion, it has a tendency to recur. It is uncertain whether the nature of this
lesion is reactive or neoplastic, but many articles support the conclusion that it is
reactive rather than neoplastic. The majority of cases were associated with a history of
a previous abdominal or pelvic operation, or an evidence of endometriosis or a pelvic
inflammatory disease, or a combination of these findings. In a 26-year-old woman we
experienced a case of BCM which was incidentally discovered at cesarean delivery
revealing multilocular thin and translucent walled cysts in the pelvic cavity. Microscopic
examination revealed a thin cyst wall that was composed of fibrous connective tissue
and lined by internal stratified and external nonstratified single cuboidal epithelia.


Benign cystic mesothelioma; Multilocular cyst;

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