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Cellular schwamloma is a variant of schwamloma, which is characterized by
predominance of cellular Antoni A area, presence of mitotic activity, nuclear
hyperchromasia, pleomorphism, and absence of Verocay body. These pathologic features
often prompted a misdiagnosis of malignancy. However, the clinical outcome has
indicated the benignity of the tumor. We have experienced a case of cellular
schwannoma arising from right facial nerve with right hemifacial weakness and erosion
of mastoid process. Grossly, it was a 3.5¡¿3 cm sized and relatively well encapsulated
mass with yellowish, friable cut surface. Microscopically, cellular growth with moderate
cellular pleomorphism and some mitotic activity (5/40 HPFs, up to 2/HPF) were noted.
Immunostaining for S-100 protein showed diffuse strong positive reaction.


Cellular schwannoma; Facial nerve; S-100 protein;

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