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¼±Á¾¼º °©»ó¼±Á¾´ë¸¦ ´àÀº ³­¼Ò °©»ó¼±Á¾ Cystic Struma Ovarii Mimicking Adenomatous Goiter of the Thyroid

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1997³â 31±Ç 7È£ p.692 ~ 694
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Struma ovarii, the most common monodermal teratoma of the ovary, causes diverse
problems in differential diagnosis. The literature on the pathology of struma ovarii has
focused principally on the problem of formulating criteria of malignancy. In contrast,
unusual gross and microscopic features of struma ovarii and its resultant problems in
differential diagnosis have received relatively little attention. We report an ovarian
teratoma which was almost entirely cystic, causing the diagnosis of struma to be
overlooked. The removed ovarian tumor showed all the features of adenomatous goiter
of the thyroid gland. The lining epithelium of the cysts was frequently flattened, and the
follicles in the cyst wall were few and atrophic. The patient was a 58-year-old woman
who was found to have an ovarian tumor by routine monographic examination.


Struma ovarii; Cystic; Ovary; Teratoma;

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