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´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1997³â 31±Ç 8È£ p.788 ~ 793
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A rare case of hepatic metastasis with a choriocarcinomatous component from a
composite adenocarcinoma and choriocarcinoma of the sigmoid colon in a 60-year-old
man is reported. The hepatic metastasis displayed choriocarcinoma with extensive
hemorrhagic necrosis. The tumor cells were poorly differentiated with scattered foci of
bizzare syncytiotrophoblastic cells. Retrospective examination of the previous colonic
carcinoma proved that the tumor was composed .of two distinctive elements. One was a
moderately well differentiated adenocarcinoma located in mucosa and submucosa. The
other was a deep seated and undifferentiated carcinoma which was made up of
hyperchromatic bizzare cells with syncytiotrophoblastic cells. There were transitional foci
from adenocarcinoma to undifferentiated carcinoma with trophoblastic cells.
Immunohistochemical staining showed ¥â-hCG expression in the undifferentiated cells of
both the primary and the metastatic tumors. Implications for the possible origin and
cause of tumor cell heterogeneity are briefly discussed.


Choriocarcinoma; Hepatic metastasis; Sigmoid colon; Syncytiotrophoblastic cells; ¥â-hCG;

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