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Á¾°Ýµ¿¿¡¼­ ¹ß»ýÇÑ Ç÷°üÁ¾ Mediastinal Hemangioma

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Benign hemangioma of the mediastinum is rare. This slowly growing tumor is
described as well circumscribed, cystic, hemorrhagic tumor. Histologically it can be
differentiated into capillary or cavernous form. We present a case of mediastinal
hemangioma. A 20-year-old-man was presented with a slowly growing posterior
mediastinal mass of 6 years duration, 8¡¿6 cm in size. The mass was relatively well
defined but focally invasive. Microscopically, it was differentiated into vessels of
capillary, cavernous, and venous patterns. A solid cellular proliferation with
inconspicuous capillary lumens was focally seen. The stroma between variable-sized
vessels showed marked myxoid change associated with some smooth muscle bundles
and adipose tissue. Ultrastructurally, areas of solid cellular proliferation showed
formation of lumens. These lumens were lined by active endothelial cells showing
plasmalemmal vesicles and Weibel-Palade bodies on the abluminal surface.


Hemangioma; Posterior mediastinum; Weibel-Parade bodies;

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