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We present a case of mucous gland adenoma arising from the main bronchus of the
lower lobe of the left lung in terms of clinicopathologic, immunohistochemical, and
ultrastructural aspects as well as review of related literatures. The patient, a
31-year-old female, was admitted to Catholic University Medical College Hospital with
complaints of coughing and purulent sputum for about seven years. The chest CT
showed a severely calcified tumor in the left lower lobe of the lung. Grossly, the
calcified tumor arising from the main bronchus protruded into the lumen and showed
bronchiectasis of the lower lobe and atelectasis of the upper lobe of the lung. The tumor
was pale brown-gray and sharply circumscribed and showed some small cystic spaces
filled with mucoid material. Microscopically, most of the tumor showed dystrophic
calcification. The growth pattern of the tumor is composed of cysts, tubules, and glands
lined by cytologically bland columnar, cuboidal, or flattened mucus secreting cells.
Electron micrograph of tumor cells showed some round or oval mucous granules
measuring 0.5¡­1.8 §­.


Lung; Mucous gland adenoma; Bronchus; Bronchial adenoma;

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