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´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1999³â 33±Ç 9È£ p.662 ~ 674
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±èµ¿ÈÆ ( Kim Dong-Hoon ) 
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ÀÓÇö¼ú ( Lim Hyun-Sul ) 
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We investigated a topographical distribution of managanese, and immunohistochemical density of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), and histopathologic findings in globus pallidus and substantia nigra according to manganese dose and time course in the brain of rats which received MnCl2 intravenously. Topographical distribution of manganese was also investigated after injection of FeCl2. The manganese concentrations of brain in control and experimental group were highest in pituitary gland and thalamus, and lowest in the cerebral cortex. The manganese concentration of blood was increased proportionally to the dose administered, and the biological half-life of blood manganese was between 21 and 42 days. The manganese concentrations of brain were increased proportionally to the dose, and increase rate was highest in olfactory bulb, and the biological half-lives of brain manganese ranged from 42 days to 90 or more days; the longest were observed in pituitary gland, medulla oblongata and cerebral cortex. In case of administration of FeCl2, the manganese concentrations of brain were higher than that of control group in dose of 2.5 mg/kg, and decreased proportionally to the administered dose, resulting in lower level compared with control group in high dose of FeCl2 administered. Significantly decreased number of nerve cell and increased gliosis in globus pallidus were observed in experimental group, which were closely correlated with the duration after manganese injection, but no significant change of number of nerve cell expressing TH and gliosis were observed in substantia nigra. Density of immunohistochemical reaction for TH in globus pallidus made little difference between control and experimental group. These results suggest that pathology of manganese intoxication is caused by the loss of nerve cells in globus pallidus, and closely correlated with the duration after manganese exposure.


Manganese;Brain;Distribution;Globus pallidus

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