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±ÙÀ§ºÎ ȸÀå¿¡¼­ ¹ß»ýÇÑ Dieulafoy Ç÷°ü±âÇüÀÇ ÃâÇ÷ -1¿¹ º¸°í- Bleeding form Dieulafoy¡¯s Vascular Malformation of the Proximal Ileum -A case report-

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 1999³â 33±Ç 12È£ p.1207 ~ 1210
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Dieulafoy¡¯s vascular malformation is a rare cause of massive gastrointestinal bleeding. Most often it occurs in stomach within 6 cm from the gastroesophageal junction. Only a few cases have been reported to occur in the small intestine and colon. Occasionally, Dieulafoy¡¯s lesion of small intestine is difficult to recognize because of rarity, a paucity of symptoms and negative findings on barium studies. Therefore, this lesion needs to be considered in a patient with massive lower gastrointestinal bleeding. We report a case of Dieulafoy¡¯s vascular malformation in ileum 2 m proximal to ileocecal value in a 41-year-old woman who visited emergency clinic because of hematemesis, dizziness and vomiting. Small intestine revealed a wide-caliber artery within the submucosa showing intimal thickening, medial muscular hypertrophy and thrombosis.


Dieulafoy¡¯s lesion;Gastrointestinal bleeding;Ileum

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