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½ÉÀåÀ̽ÄÀ¸·Î Ä¡·áµÈ ½ÉÀ¯À°Á¾Áõ - 1¿¹ º¸°í - Cardiac Sarcoidosis Treated by Cardiac Transplantation - A Case Report -

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 2001³â 35±Ç 1È£ p.71 ~ 75
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Á¤°æõ ( Jung Gyeong-Cheon ) 
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±èÀçÁß ( Kim Jae-Joong ) 
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ÀÌÀÎö ( Lee In-Chul ) 
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Sarcoidosis, in general, has a low mortality rate. But cardiac sarcoidosis (CS) is a serious condition which may lead to death. Here, we report a rare case of CS that was treated by heart transplantation. A 47-year-old male had occasional syncopes and atypical chest pain. Ventricular tachycardia with right bundle branch block was noted by electrocardiogram. Multiple fixed myocardial perfusion defects in the interventricular septum and both the inferiorposterior ventricular walls were observed by thallium scan. Coronary angiography was unremarkable. Neither perihilar nor mediastinal lymphadenopathy was noted. The patient also suffered three times from tonic-clonic generalized seizures in 3 years, but no neurologic abnormalities were detected. The explanted heart displayed multiple white patches on the endomyocardial surface, measuring up to 8x7 cm. On microscopic examination, the lesion consisted of multiple well-formed and confluent granulomas with numerous scattered multinucleated giant cells, CD68-positive epithelioid histiocytes, and T-lymphocytes. Neither microorganisms nor foreign material was identified on special stain and culture study. It has been six months since the heart transplant, and the patient has been doing well.


Cardiac sarcoidosis;Granuloma;Heart transplantation

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