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´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 2001³â 35±Ç 4È£ p.338 ~ 343
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À̻󿱠( Yi Sang-Yeop ) 
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Background: To maximize the efficiency of the pathology laboratory class, it has been realized that students should be given an environment with repeated leaming situations. For this purpose, this study was designed to present the significance that pathologists need in order to publish teaching materials over the lnternet.

Methodes: The pictures were captured as different magnified digital data from teaching glass slides. To modify the images, a graphics program was used, and these were transferred to the Microsoft PowerPint software and developed as final teaching material. The final teaching material was then published on the liternet. This material can be browsed by searching through windows and by the indices of diagnosis.

Results: The comments from all users of the teaching material used in this study showed that it was user-friendly and appropriate for searching and reviewing. The users could assess information easily before and after the laboratory sessions. The quality of the images in this material was appropriate for printing. All users from our university were satisfied with the fact that all pictures were captured form their own teaching slides.

Conclusions: Therefore, the teaching material used in this study is helpful for medical students studying pathology. Furthermore, this trial may induce others to develop pathology teaching materials over the lnternet.


Pathology;Internet;Computer-assisted Instruction;Teaching Materials;Education

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