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Å«±×¹°¸·ÀÇ ¿ø¹ß¼º À§Àå°ü¿Ü°£ÁúÁ¾¾ç : 1¿¹ º¸°í Primary Extragastrointestinal Stromai Tumor (EGIST) of the Greater Omentum : A Case Report

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 2001³â 35±Ç 4È£ p.347 ~ 350
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ÃÖ°æ¿î ( Choi Kyung-Un ) 
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¼³¹Ì¿µ ( Sol Mi-Young ) 
ºÎ»ê´ëÇб³ ÀÇ°ú´ëÇÐ º´¸®Çб³½Ç
ÀÌâÈÆ ( Lee Chang-Hun ) 
ºÎ»ê´ëÇб³ ÀÇ°ú´ëÇÐ º´¸®Çб³½Ç
¹ÚµµÀ± ( Park Do-Youn ) 
ºÎ»ê´ëÇб³ ÀÇ°ú´ëÇÐ º´¸®Çб³½Ç
ÀÌÁØ¿ì ( Lee Jun-Woo ) 
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¼­°­¼® ( Suh Kang-Suek ) 
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±èÁö¿¬ ( Kim Jee-Yeun ) 
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Gastrointestinal stromal tumors £¨GLSTs) were recently defined as spindle cell, epithelioid, or occasionally, pleomorphic mesenchymal tumors of the gastrointestinal tract that express the CD117 £¨proto-oncogene c-kit protein, stem cell factor receptor£©, as detected using immunohistochemistry. And they show a new tendency to inciude the CD117-positie mesenchymal spindle cell or epithelioid neoplasms primary in the omentum and mesentery, and is so termed extragastrointestinal stromal tumors £¨EGLSTs£©. Omental EGLSTs are very rare and similar to their gastrointestinal counterpart. We present a case of primary EGIST of the greater omentum in a 58-year-old man. The resected tumor mass measured 20¡¿15¡¿5§¯ and weighed 1,150g. The cut surface displayed a entral cystic change and partial mural nodules. Microscopically, most parts of the tumor were composed of round or polygonal cells, with many of them containing perinuclear vacuoles. The mitotic count was less than one per 50 high-powerfields. Immunohistochemically, the tumor cells were diffusely positive for CD117 and vimentin, and focally for smooth muscle actin and CD34. Ultrastructurally, partially smooth muscle differentiation was confirmed in this case.


Extragastrointestinal stromal tumor;Omentum;Proto-oncogene protein c-kit

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