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À§»óÇÇÀÇ Áõ½Ä¼º º´º¯¿¡¼­ p53, p21waf1/cip1, Cyclin D1 ¹× Rb ´Ü¹éÀÇ ¹ßÇö Expression of p53, p21waf1/cip1, Cyclin D1 and Rb in Gastric Epithelial Proliferative Lesions

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 2002³â 36±Ç 4È£ p.222 ~ 231
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±èÇüÁß ( Kim Hyoung-Joong ) 
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ÀÌÅÂÁø ( Lee Tae-Jin ) 
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¹Ú¾ð¼· ( Park Eon-Sub ) 
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À¯ÀçÇü ( Yoo Jae-Hyung ) 
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Background: Aberrations of cell cycle-related genes have been reported to contribute to the formation and development of various human tumors. To investigate the gastric carcinogenesis, the expression of cell cycle-related genes (p53, p21wafl/cipl, cyclin D1 and Rb protein) compared to the morphological changes of gastric epithelial lesions were studied.

Methods: The expression of p53, p21wafl/cipl, cyclin D1 and Rb protein was immunohistochemically studied in a series of surgical specimens including the 36 normal/regenerating lesions and the 127 gastric epithelial proliferative lesions (GEPLs). The gastric epithelial proliferative lesions consisted of 25 regenerating epithelia with atypias (REAs), 27 low grade gastric dysplasias (LGDs), 17 high grade dysplasias (HGDs), 24 early gastrc carcinomas (EGCs), and 34 advanced gastric carcinomas (AGCs).

Results: The frequency of p53 protein overexpression was significantly associated with histologic grades of GEPLs (p=0.031); occurring in 4% of REAs, in 14.8% of LGDs, in 23.5% of HGDs, in 41.7% of EGCs and 58.9% of AGCs. The p21 wafl/cipl immunohistochemical reaction showed superficial eccentric positivity, representing an inverse correlation with histologic grades of GEPLs (p=0.04); occurring in 83.4% of normal/regenerating lesions, in 80% of REAs, in 74.1% of LGDs, in 29.4% of HGDs, 20.8% of EGCs and 8.8% of AGCs. Although Cyclin D1 and Rb proteins were expressed highly in the GEPLs, the frequency of both proteins were insignificantly associated with histologic grades of GEPLs (p=0.092). However, cases with both the Rb and cyclin D1 positivity were increased with statistical significance along histologic grades of GEPLs (p=0.044).

Conclusion: The altered expression of p53, p21, Rb, and cyclin D1 was considered to be related to dysplastic progression and advancement of malignancy in GEPLs. Therefore, immunohistochemical studies of cell cycle related proteins and a combined analysis may be useful for estimating and following up cases of GEPLs.


Gastric epithelial proliferative lesions;p53;p21 wafl/cipl;cyclin D;Rb

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