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Ư¹ß¼º ºñ´ëô¼ö°æ¸·¿° - 1¿¹ º¸°í - Idiopathic Hypertrophic Spinal Pachymeningitis: A Case Report

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 2002³â 36±Ç 4È£ p.278 ~ 280
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±èÀº°æ ( Kim Eun-Kyung ) 
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ÁÖÁ¾Àº ( Joo Jong-Eun ) 
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ÀÌ¿ø¹Ì ( Lee Won-Mi ) 
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¹®º´°ü ( Moon Byng-Kwan ) 
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±èÇö¼÷ ( Kim Hyun-Suk ) 
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We report a case of idiopathic hypertrophic spinal pachymeningitis in a 56-year-old woman who complained of a tingling sensation and progressive weakenss of both legs since 6 months prior, and then was unable to walk for 1 week. Magnetic resonance imaging showed a low signal intensity of dural and epidural mass in the T7-T11. The mass was concentrically compressing the spinal cord and extending to the paraspinal area through the intervertebral foramina. Total laminectomy from T7 to T12 and mass removal were done. The mass was composed of markedly thickened dura mater. Microscopic examination showed fibrous thickening with hyalinization and infiltration of chronic inflammatory cells, mainly lymphocytes. Idiopathic hypertrophic spinal pachymeningitis is a rare disease causing progressive paraparesis that can resemble other disorders associated with spinal compression.


Meningitis;Paraparesis;Spinal Cord Compression

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