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¿øÇü ¹«±âÆó - 1¿¹ º¸°í - Rounded Atelectasis - A Brief Case Report -

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 2003³â 37±Ç 4È£ p.279 ~ 281
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±è±³¿µ ( Kim Gou-Young ) 
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¹ÚÁö¿µ ( Park Ji-Young ) 
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ÇÑÁ¤È£ ( Han Joung-Ho ) 
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±èżº ( Kim Tae-Seong ) 
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±èÁø±¹ ( Kim Jhin-Gook ) 
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Rounded atelectasis is a focal, pleural-based lesion that is the result of pleural and subpleural scarring and atelectasis of the adjacent lung tissue. We experienced a case of asbestos-associated rounded atelectasis that had developed in a 50-year-old male. When examined with routine chest radiography, the patient was shown to have an asymptomatic chest mass. Computed tomography showed a pleural-based mass with a curvilinear shape about 4.2cm in greatest diameter in the medial basal segment of the right lower lobe. To exclude the possibility of malignancy the mass was excised by video-assisted thoracotomy. The mass was round and firm, and was gray and yellow in color. Microscopically, marked pleural fibrosis extended into the underlying lung parenchyme and then resulted in atelectasis. There are ferruginous bodies in dense fibrous pleura.


Lung diseases;Pleura;Atelectasis;Asbestos

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