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ÀÌÁúÅëÁõÀÇ ¹ß»ý¿¡ ´ëÇÑ MinocyclineÀÇ ¿ÏÈ­ È¿°ú: ÈòÁãÀÇ Ã´¼ö µÚ»Ô³» CD11b, GFAP ¹× c-Fos¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ¸é¿ªÁ¶Á÷È­ÇÐ ¿¬±¸ Minocycline Attenuates the Development of Allodynia: An Immunohistochemical Study on CD11b, GFAP and c-Fos in the Spinal Dorsal Horn in SD Rat

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 2004³â 38±Ç 5È£ p.311 ~ 318
°­±¸, °­¼º½Ä, ±è¼º¼ö, Àü¿ÏÁÖ, ¾È¿µÁØ, ÃÖ±â¿ë, À̹μ·, Á¤ÀÏ¿µ,
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°­±¸ ( Kang Gu ) 
°­¿ø´ëÇб³ ÀÇ°ú´ëÇÐ º´¸®Çб³½Ç

°­¼º½Ä ( Kang Seong-Sik ) 
°­¿ø´ëÇб³ ÀÇ°ú´ëÇÐ ¸¶ÃëÅëÁõÀÇÇб³½Ç
±è¼º¼ö ( Kim Sung-Soo ) 
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Àü¿ÏÁÖ ( Chun Wan-Joo ) 
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¾È¿µÁØ ( Ahn Young-Jun ) 
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ÃÖ±â¿ë ( Choi Ki-Young ) 
°­¿ø´ëÇб³ ÀÇ°ú´ëÇÐ º´¸®Çб³½Ç
À̹μ· ( Lee Min-Sup ) 
°­¿ø´ëÇб³ ÀÇ°ú´ëÇÐ º´¸®Çб³½Ç
Á¤ÀÏ¿µ ( Cheong Il-Young ) 
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Background: Minocycline, a semisynthetic second-generation tetracycline, is an antibiotic that has excellent ability to penetration into the CNS via the brain-blood barrier. Minocycline has emerged as a potent inhibitor of microglial activation, and it is an effective neuroprotective agent in experimental brain ischemia. Glial cell activation and proliferation are known to be associated with neuropathic pain in the peripheral nerve injuries.

Methods: The fifty percent threshold of withdrawal responses was measured in the hindpaws of SD rats following tight ligation of left fifth lumbar spinal nerve. Rats were sacrificed at 1, 3, 5, and 7 days and at 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 h post ligation (n=5/group/time point). Immunohistochemistry for GFAP, CD11b and c-Fos was done on the spinal cord at the level of the fifth lumbar nerve. Minocycline (45 mg/kg) and normal saline (300-400 L) were administered intraperitoneally, 1 day and 1 h before the operations, and every day postoperatively until the rats were sacrificed.

Results: Treatment with minocycline reduced allodynia and the expressions of CD11b at 5 days and c-Fos at 1 and 2 h post operation compared with the saline treatment (control).

Conclusions: It was thought that minocycline reduced the allodynia induced by tight ligation of the fifth lumbar spinal nerve in rats through the inhibition of microglial activation and c-Fos expression.



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