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ºñÈ£ÁöŲ ¸²ÇÁÁ¾¿¡¼­ DNA Topoisomerase II , Ki-67, p53 ¹× p27 ¹ßÇöº¯È­ Altered Expression of DNA Topoisomerase II , Ki-67, p53 and p27 in Non-Hodgkin¡¯s Lymphoma

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 2005³â 39±Ç 5È£ p.332 ~ 337
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±èÈ°¿õ ( Kim Hwal-Woong ) 
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¼³¹Ì¿µ ( Sol Mi-Young ) 
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±èÁö¿¬ ( Kim Jee-Yeon ) 
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½Åµ¿ÈÆ ( Shin Dong-Hoon ) 
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ÃÖ°æ¿î ( Choi Kyung-Un ) 
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ÀÌâÈÆ ( Lee Chang-Hun ) 
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¹ÚµµÀ± ( Park Do-Youn ) 
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°­ÇöÁ¤ ( Kang Hyun-Jeong ) 
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Background: Topoisomerase II (TOPO II) is an enzyme that separates intertwined chromosomes during DNA synthesis by transiently breaking and joining DNA strands. The level of TOP II is one of the determinants of cellular sensitivity to anti-tumor drugs in non-Hodgkin¡¯s lymphoma patients. The alpha form of TOPO II has been recently used as a marker of cellular proliferation. High levels of TOPO II are expressed in aggressive and proliferative tumors.

Methods: This study was designed to evaluate the relationship between TOPO II expression and clinicopathological parameters including age, gender, the serum LDH level, the serum 2-microglobulin level and stage, or expressions, of Ki-67, p53 and p27, in non-Hodgkin¡¯s lymphoma. We analyzed forty-one biopsied tissue specimens from patients with non-Hodgkin¡¯s lymphoma.

Results: The expression of TOPO II increased with the clinical stage and it was correlated with Ki-67 and p53 expressions. However, TOPO II expression did not have any significant correlation with age, gender, the serum LDH level, the serum 2-mcroglobulin level and the p27 expression.

Conclusions: TOPO II expression is a useful marker of cellular proliferation and it may serve as a prognostic factor of a tumor¡¯s progression and aggressiveness in non-Hodgkin¡¯s lymphomas.


Non-Hodgkin¡¯s lymphoma;Topoisomerase II;Protein p53;Ki-67 antigen;p27 antigen

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