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ÇÔ¸ôÁõ½Ä¼ºÆú¸³¿¡ µ¿¹ÝµÈ ½ÉÀ缺 ³¶Á¾¼º À§¿°°ú Á¶±âÀ§¾Ï 1¿¹ A Case of Gastric Inverted Hyperplastic Polyp Associated with Gastritis Cystica Profunda and Early Gastric Carcinoma

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 2007³â 41±Ç 1È£ p.55 ~ 58
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Ãֹμº ( Choi Min-Sung ) 
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Áø¼Ò¿µ ( Jin So-Young ) 
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±èµ¿¿ø ( Kim Dong-Won ) 
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À̵¿È­ ( Lee Dong-Wha ) 
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¹Ú»ó¸ð ( Park Sang-Mo ) 
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A gastric inverted hyperplastic polyp is characterized by downward growth of the hyperplastic mucosal components into the submucosa. Lesions are composed of hyperplastic foveolar-type glands, and sometimes coexist with gastritis cystica profunda (GCP). Adenocarcinoma frequen- tly can coexist, but the relationship is not clear. A 71-year-old male was admitted to hospital because of dyspepsia for one month. He underwent a wedge resection of the stomach, after endoscopic biopsies. The gross finding showed a slightly elevated papillary lesion with central depression. Microscopically, the elevated lesion was composed of hyperplastic fundic glands and foveolar cells, and the central depressed lesion showed a nodular inverted proliferation of normal appearing gastric epithelium and glands in the submucosa. An additional proximal gastrectomy specimen exhibited marked GCP and a minute adenocarcinoma at the proximal margin with p53 protein overexpression.


Stomach; Inverted hyperplastic polyp; Gastritis cystica profunda; Early gastric carcinoma

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