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Juvenile Ossifying Fibroma: A Clinicopathologic Study of 8 Cases and Comparison with Craniofacial Fibro-osseous Lesions

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 2007³â 41±Ç 6È£ p.373 ~ 379
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¹Ú¼ÒÇü ( Park So-Hyung ) 
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Á¶°æÀÚ ( Cho Kyung-Ja ) 
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À̺ÀÀç ( Lee Bong-Jae ) 
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ÀÌÁ¤Çö ( Lee Jeong-Hyun ) 
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Background : Juvenile ossifying fibroma (JOF) is defined as a variant of the ossifying fibroma, and the latter includes juvenile trabecular ossifying fibroma (JTOF) and juvenile psammomatoid ossifying fibroma (JPOF). JOF can be distinguished from other craniofacial fibroosseous lesions by its tendency to recur and its clinical mimicry of malignant bone tumors, but some clinical and histological features of JOF overlap with the other fibro-osseous lesions
as well. We aimed to identify the clinicopathologic definition of JOF.

Methods : Forty-two cases of fibro-osseous lesions were reviewed and they were classified into JOF, fibrous dysplasia (FD) and ossifying fibroma (OF).

Results : JTOF had long, slender and anastomosing trabeculae of osteoid in a fibrocellular stroma, and JPOF had small ossicles resembling psammoma bodies with a thick collagenous rim in the fibrous stroma, which are features that differ from those of FD and OF. Radiologically, JOF and OF showed a well-defined lesion but FD exhibited an ill-defined lesion. Clinically, the average age of the JOF patients was the youngest, followed by OF and FD. For JOF, three cases had rapid growth and two others showed recurrences. JOF mainly occurred in the paranasal sinuses, OF in the mandible and FD in any craniofacial bone.

Conclusion : We demonstrated the distinct characteristics of JOF and these features may be helpful for the diagnosis and management of this malady.



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