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Glomus Tumor of the Sinonasal Tract - Two Case Reports and a Review of Literature -

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 2010³â 44±Ç 3È£ p.326 ~ 329
°í¿µÈ­, À̺ÀÀç, Á¶°æÀÚ,
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°í¿µÈ­ ( Koh Young-Wha ) 
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À̺ÀÀç ( Lee Bong-Jae ) 
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Á¶°æÀÚ ( Cho Kyung-Ja ) 
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Herein we describe two cases of nasal glomus tumor. Histological findings were typical, save for one which was quite large (3.1 cm in its greatest dimension) with an invasive growth pattern and increased ki-67 labeling index (up to 10%). These features raised a red flag of similarity to a recently described "invasive glomus tumor of nasal cavity", suggesting a more aggressive form of glomus tumor. However, objective criteria for this possibility is lacking at present and more similar case studies are needed to establish a truly aggressive form of glomus tumor.


Glomus tumor;Nasal cavity;Paranasal sinuses

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