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Proposal for Creating a Guideline for Cancer Registration of Microinvasive Tumors of the Breast and Ovary (II)

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 2012³â 46±Ç 3È£ p.226 ~ 232
¼ÕÁøÈñ, °ø°æ¿±, ±è±Ô·¡, °­Ã¢¼®, ÀÌ¿¬¼ö, ±èÁø¸¸, Á¤¿ìÈñ, ¼­±¤¼±,
¼Ò¼Ó »ó¼¼Á¤º¸
¼ÕÁøÈñ ( Sohn Jin-Hee ) 
Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine Department of Pathology

°ø°æ¿± ( Gong Gyung-Yub ) 
University of Ulsan College of Medicine Department of Pathology
±è±Ô·¡ ( Kim Kyu-Rae ) 
University of Ulsan College of Medicine Department of Pathology
°­Ã¢¼® ( Kang Chang-Suk ) 
Catholic University College of Medicine Department of Pathology
ÀÌ¿¬¼ö ( Lee Youn-Soo ) 
Catholic University College of Medicine Department of Pathology
±èÁø¸¸ ( Kim Jin-Man ) 
Chungnam National University College of Medicine Department of Pathology
Á¤¿ìÈñ ( Jung Woo-Hee ) 
Yonsei University College of Medicine Department of Pathology
¼­±¤¼± ( Suh Kwang-Sun ) 
Chungnam National University College of Medicine Department of Pathology


Background : Cancer registration in Korea has a longer than 30-years of history, during which time cancer registration has improved and become well-organized. Cancer registries are fundamental for cancer control and multi-center collaborative research. However, there have been discrepancies in assigning behavior codes. Thus, we intend to propose appropriate behavior codes for the International Classification of Disease Oncology, 3rd edition (ICD-O-3) for microinvasive tumors of the ovary and breast not only to improve the quality of the cancer registry but also to prevent conflicts.

Methods : As in series I, two pathology study groups and the Cancer Registration Committee of the Korean Society of Pathologists (KSP) participated. To prepare a questionnaire on provisional behavior code, the relevant subjects were discussed in the workshop, and consensus was obtained by convergence of opinion from members of KSP.

Results : Microinvasive tumor of the breast should be designated as a microinvasive carcinoma which was proposed as malignant tumor (/3). Serous borderline tumor with microinvasion of the ovary was proposed as borderline tumor (/1), and mucinous borderline tumor with microinvasion of the ovary as either borderline (/1) or carcinoma (/3) according to the tumor cell nature.

Conclusions : Some issues should be elucidated with the accumulation of more experience and knowledge. Here, however, we present our second proposal.


Cancer registries; Behavior code; Microinvasion; Breast; Ovary

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