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Mediastinal Thymolipoma with Striated Myoid Cells: Report of a Peculiar Case

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 2013³â 47±Ç 6È£ p.596 ~ 598
Kim Young-Keum, ½Å³ª¸®, ¹Ú¿ø¿µ, ¹ÚµµÀ±, Huh Gi-Young, ÀÌâÈÆ,
¼Ò¼Ó »ó¼¼Á¤º¸
 ( Kim Young-Keum ) 
Pusan National University School of Medicine Department of Pathology

½Å³ª¸® ( Shin Na-Ri ) 
Pusan National University School of Medicine Department of Pathology
¹Ú¿ø¿µ ( Park Won-Young ) 
Pusan National University School of Medicine Department of Pathology
¹ÚµµÀ± ( Park Do-Youn ) 
Pusan National University School of Medicine Department of Pathology
 ( Huh Gi-Young ) 
Pusan National University School of Medicine Department of Pathology
ÀÌâÈÆ ( Lee Chang-Hun ) 
Pusan National University School of Medicine Department of Pathology


[ÃʷϾøÀ½:No abstract]


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