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Classic Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma with Tall Cell Features and Tall Cell Variant Have Similar Clinicopathologic Features

´ëÇѺ´¸®ÇÐȸÁö 2014³â 48±Ç 3È£ p.201 ~ 208
Oh Woo-Jin, ÀÌ¿µ¼·, Á¶ÀÇÁÖ, ¹Ú°æ½Å, ÀÌ¿¬¼ö, Á¤Âù±Ç, ¹èÀÚ¼º, À̼ÒÈñ, ±è¹ÎÈñ, ÀÓµ¿ÁØ,
¼Ò¼Ó »ó¼¼Á¤º¸
 ( Oh Woo-Jin ) 
Catholic University College of Medicine Department of Hospital Pathology

ÀÌ¿µ¼· ( Lee Young-Sub ) 
Catholic University College of Medicine Department of Hospital Pathology
Á¶ÀÇÁÖ ( Cho Ui-Ju ) 
Catholic University College of Medicine Department of Hospital Pathology
¹Ú°æ½Å ( Park Gyeong-Sin ) 
Catholic University Seoul St. Mary¡¯s Hospital Department of Hospital Pathology
ÀÌ¿¬¼ö ( Lee Youn-Soo ) 
Catholic University College of Medicine Department of Hospital Pathology
Á¤Âù±Ç ( Jung Chan-Kwon ) 
Catholic University College of Medicine Department of Hospital Pathology
¹èÀÚ¼º ( Bae Ja-Seong ) 
Catholic University College of Medicine Department of Surgery
À̼ÒÈñ ( Lee So-Hee ) 
Catholic University College of Medicine Department of Surgery
±è¹ÎÈñ ( Kim Min-Hee ) 
Catholic University School of Medicine Department of Internal Medicine
ÀÓµ¿ÁØ ( Lim Dong-Jun ) 
Catholic University College of Medicine Department of Internal Medicine


Background: The tall cell variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma (TCVPTC) is more aggressive than classic papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC), but the percentage of tall cells needed to diagnose TCVPTC remains controversial. In addition, little is known about the clinicopathologic features of classic PTC with tall cell features (TCF).

Methods: We retrospectively selected and reviewed the clinicopathologic features and presence of the BRAF mutation in 203 cases of classic PTC, 149 cases of classic PTC with TCF, and 95 cases of TCVPTCs, which were defined as PTCs having <10%, 10-50%, and ¡Ã50% tall cells, respectively.

Results: TCVPTCs and classic PTCs with TCF did not vary significantly in clinicopathologic characteristics such as pathologic (p) T stage, extrathyroidal extension, pN stage, lateral lymph node metastasis, or BRAF mutations; however, these features differed significantly in TCVPTCs and classic PTCs with TCF in comparison to classic PTCs. Similar results were obtained in a subanalysis of patients with microcarcinomas (¡Â1.0 cm in size).

Conclusions: Classic PTCs with TCF showed a similar BRAF mutation rate and clinicopathologic features to TCVPTCs, but more aggressive characteristics than classic PTCs.


Thyroid neoplasms; Histologic types; Classification; Tall cell features

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