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¿ä·Î°á¼®ÀÇ Åë°èÀû°üÂû°ú ¼ººÐÀÇ È­Çкм® Clinical Statistics and Chemical Analysis of Urinary Calculi

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1963³â 4±Ç 1È£ p.43 ~ 48
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°û´ëÈñ/Kwak DH ±èÁص¿/ÃÖ¿õÇÑ/±è¿ë±Ô/±èÇ༮/Kim JT/Choi WH/Kim YK/Kim HS


"During the period, Jan. 1961 to Sept. 1962. 77 cases of urinary tract calculi were seen at the C.A.H. This is 1.13% of all ambulatory patients seen at the urology section. Commonest sites were, ureter (63.6%), bladder (18.2%), kidney (9.1%) and urethra (9.1%) in that order. In age distribution, 21-25 years old was the highest (52.1%), and this might reflect the nature of the military hospital. In management, ureterolithotomy was the most commonly used procedure (31.2%), 20.8% of the cases were managed non-operating. Phosphate and oxalates stone were found more commonly in upper urinary tracts. Their break down was as follow ; Phosphates 46.8% , Oxalates 23.8% , Oxalates and Phosphates 10.4% , The other properties 19.0%."


°á¼®; °á¼®ºÐ¼®; urolithiasis; analysis; statistics

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