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¿©ÀÚ¿äµµ¿° 100·Ê¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ³»½Ã°æ°Ë»ç Endoscopic Examination on One-Hundred Cases of Female Urethritis

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1963³â 4±Ç 1È£ p.61 ~ 65
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ÀÌÁöº¹/Lee JB ±èÅÂÁø/±è¿µ±Õ/ÀÌÇмÛ/Kim TC/Kim YK/Lee HS


"One-hundred cases of female urethritis unselected were studied endoscopically. The urethra, the bladder neck and the bladder were endoscoped carefully and they were classified into four groups as follows: Group 1: Almost normal urethra and bladder neck or with very mild mucosal changes, 8 case. Group 2: Narrowing of the urethral lumen without marked mucosal changes, 8 cases. Group 3: Diffuse bullous edema of the urethra and bladder neck, 44 cases. Group 4: Bullous edema with pseudopolyps or irregular urethral lumen, 10 cases. In the presence of female urethritis classified as above, the most frequently observable bladder change was trabeculation (58%). In almost all cases of bladder trabeculation, there were always moderate or remarkable changes in the urethra and in the bladder neck. Mild congestions of the trigone were observed in one third of the cases and diffuse congestion or swelling in 19 cases. There were also cellule formation in 4 cases and hollow formation in 7 cases. The grade of the vesical changes, however, did not stand for the severity of the urethral changes. This is true also in urinary and non-urinary symptoms. In this study, urethritis classified as groups 3 and 4, especially the group 4, seems to stand far beyond ordinary conservative treatment. Trausurethral electrocoagulation or electroresction are favorable in these cases."


¹æ±¤¿äµµ°æ°Ë»ç; ¿©¼º¿äµµÁõÈıº; endoscopy; female urethritis

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