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ºñ´¢»ý½Ä±â ¿Ü»óÀÇ ÀÓ»óÀû °üÂû A Clinical Observation on Injuries of Genito-urinary Tract

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1964³â 5±Ç 2È£ p.111 ~ 116
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¾ÈÈñÁß/Ahn HC À¯Àμö/ÃÖ»ó°Ç/ÁÖ±Ù¿ø/Yu IS/Choi SG/Choo KW


"This is to report a clinical observation on 81 cases of genito-urinary tract injuries treated at the urology service. Capital Army Hospital, during the period from January, 1960 to July, 1963. Of 81 Cases which stood for 0.82% of all genito-urinary out patients, 58 cases (or 71.6%) occurred in the urethra, the most common site of involvement, and 6 cases (or 7.2%) showed multiple injuries. Age ranged between 21 and 10 years with the highest incidence of 58.4% in the ages between 21-25 years. In lateralyzation of injury while the kidney showed nosignificant difference the ureter was more frequently involved in the left than in the right with a ratio of 4:1. Traffic accident was listed as high as 56.9% to be most frequent cause of injury and contusion, fall, gun-shot and explosion were listed less frequently. Of associated major injuries, pelvic fracture was seen in 20 cases (33.9%) and all the urethral injuries were accompanied with injuries to gastro-intestinal tract. Of all cases herein reported, 62.3% of cases were treated surgically and the remaining 37.7%. non-surgically. Surgical intervention was necessary in 33.3% of kidney injury, 100% of ureteral injury, 67.8% of urethral injuries and 40% of genital injuries. Average hospitalization required 20.2 days for renal injury and 67.2 days for urethral injury."


¼Õ»ó; genito-urinary tract injury

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