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´Ù³¶Á¾½Å 2·Ê(ºÎ°Ë)ÀÇ º´¸®ÇÐÀû °Ë»ö Polycystic Disease of Kidney(Two autopsy cases)

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1964³â 5±Ç 2È£ p.117 ~ 120
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¼®µ¿¼ö/Suk DS


"Two autopsy cases of polycystic disease of kidney were reported, both female,31 and 61 years of age: gravida 2,and 7 respectively. The incidence among autopsies was 0.3%.Both cases were accompanied with congenital polycysts in liver. The blood pressure of the cases was slightly or moderately elevated and hearts were moderately hpertropic. Renal function were not considerably impaired. Clinically the correct diagnosis were subarachnoidal hemorrhage(by rupture of aneurism) in 1st case and uremia after right nephrectomy in 2nd case. Etiology of the condition was discussed."


´Ù³¶Æ÷½Å; polycystic disease; kidney

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