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ºñ´¢±â°ú¿µ¿ª¿¡¼­ ProtermycinÀÇ »ç¿ë°æÇè Clinical experience with protermycin in genitourinary diseases

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1965³â 6±Ç 1È£ p.39 ~ 43
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ÀÌ»ó¼®/Rhee SS ÀÓ¼ö±æ/±è±â¼ö/Lim SK/Kim KS


"Protermycin, the first molecular synthetic of tetracycline and chloramphenicol, has been given trial in 28 patients : acute gonococcal urethritis 10, nongonococcal urethritis 7, acute cystitis 6, chancroid 1 and postoperative cases 4. The doses ranged from 300 to 600 me daily. From this study, it was found that Protermycin proved itself to be most effective in nongonococcal urethritis which could not be treated satisfactorily by other antibiotics. Of 28 cases, 25 showed good result. The remaining 3 cases failed to respond."


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