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½ÅÀåÀÌÇàÇ÷°üÀÇ 1·Ê A Case of Aberrant Renal Vessel

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1966³â 7±Ç 1È£ p.51 ~ 55
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¹Úö¿ø/Park CW ÀÌÁø¹«/¹é¿ë¼ø/Lee JM/Paik YS


"Aberrant renal vessel is a common cause of the ureteropelvic obstruction. Clinically it is important that this disease may be easily complicated with the conditions such as obstruction, hydronephrosis and infection, and also, the surgeon inadvertently may lacerate the structure with resultant profuse hemorrhage during surgery. We have reported here a case of the right sided aberrant renal vessel resulting in moderate hydronephrosis and infection which were relieved by the Kelly`s nephropexy. The literatures are briefly reviewed."


¿ä°ü½Å¿ìÀÌÇàºÎÇùÂø; aberrant renal vessel

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