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½ÅÀÇ À¯°¢¼º³¶¼±Á¾ÀÇ 1·Ê A Case of Papillary Cystadenoma of the Kidney

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1967³â 8±Ç 1È£ p.41 ~ 44
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Àå¿ì¿ø/Chang WW Á¶ÀçÃá/±è±â¼ö/Cho JC/Kim KS


"Papillary cystadenoma is rarely detected during life because it seldom causes symptoms and signs, and is frequently discovered at necropsy. A case of papillary cystadenoma of the left kidney is reported with a review of literature. The patient reported herewith was a 39-year-old man with a large palpable mas in the left flank without any urinary symptom. On an excretary pyelography the right kidney appeared normal. However, the left kidney showed crescent elongation of lover calyx by a mass at the lower pole of kidney. Partial nephrectomy was performed for the circumscribed tumor localized to the left lower kidney. The
surgical specimen revealed a large hard mass with cystic formation and the lesion measured 11 cm in diameter. Although the tumor was well demarcated where it lies extrarenally, it blended into the normal renal tissue where it is intrarenal."


½ÅÁ¾¾ç; À¯°¢¼º³¶¼ºÁ¾; kidney; papillary cystadenoma

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