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¾çÃø¼º ³ì°¢¼®ÀÇ »õ·Î¿î ½Å ¹ÝÀý¼ú¿¡ ÀÇÇÑ Ä¡Çè·Ê New Bisection Technique Applied in Bilateral Staghorn Calculi

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1968³â 9±Ç 1È£ p.35 ~ 39
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¼ÛÁ¾Àº/Seng JE ±è¼ºÅÃ/°í¼º°Ç/Kim ST/Koh SK


"Handling bilateral staghorn calculi has been always a difficult problem. We applied a new bisection technique in a 47-year-old male and a good result was obtained. The renal capsule was stripped over the area of avascular zone, using grooved director. A long straight needle with blunt point, threaded with 1-0 chromic catgut, was passed through the denuded area end securely ligated. sectioning parenchyma. The caught tissue was divided after clamping with e hemostat, adjacent to ligature. Minor bleeders not controlled by this way were individually ligated subsequently. By repeating this ligature method, most of area could be reached without much bleeding. Calices and pelvis were reached, incised and sutured with 4-O chromic catgut without exerting too much pressure."


°á¼®¼ö¼ú; ½ÅÀû¼®¼ú; bisection technique; bilateral staghorn calculi

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