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¿ä·Î°¨¿°Áø´Ü¿¡ ÀÖ¾î ¿äÁß ¹éÇ÷±¸ ¹× ¼¼±ÕÀÇ ¼ýÀÚÀûÀÇÀÇ Quantity and Quality of White Cells and Bacteria in the Urine of Urinary Tract Infections

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1968³â 9±Ç 1È£ p.41 ~ 46
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Àå¿ì¿ø/Chang WW À̼ö¿µ/Lee SY


"In infections of the urinary tract resulting from bacterial invasions, pus cells are most commonly present in those urine, and bacteria and pus casts may also exist. Campbell considers that there are five pus cells per high power field are within normal limits in the uncentrifuged catheterized urine. On the other hand Helmholz says two to eight pus cells may exist in a normal specimen. It is of no moment if the leukocytes are single or clumped: The important thing is to demonstrate the polymorphic or pawnbroker`s nucleus in the pus cells, and desquamated epithelial cells or other urinary debris should not be considered as pus cells. Alto most accurate counting of those should be made with a counting chamber in high power field. It is called bacteria urine if any kind of bacteria exists in the urine with or without leukocytes, and both bacteria urine and pyuria are most significant clinical signs for the diagnosis of urinary infection. According to Lancet (1964) when 100, 000 or more organisms are presentper milliliter of urine, true infection. are actually present and therefore one might assume if there were less than 100,000 organisms per milliliter that thereare no infections, but no one has yet defined what is the normal upper level of white cells in the urine of Korean people. The purpose of this paper is to study what is the normal upper level of white cells and bacteria in the urine of Koreanpeople. Materials and Methods Sixty patients with urinary tract symptoms were assessed. Forty of the subjects were women. A selected control group of twenty adults was composed of twelve female and eight male, none of whom bad ever had urinary infection. Urine specimens were obtained by midstream collection comparing with catheterization. White cell count of the urine was estimated by Thomas white cell counting chamber, while those specimens were not centrifuged, and bacteria count was performed by a standard drop plate method. Steroid provocation test wee based on the procedure described by Pears and Houghton, and 50 mg of prednisolone was given by mouth. Results 1. In the collection of urine specimens, the midstream collection was more convenient and harmless compared with the results of catheterization. 2. When there were less than five cells per c.mm. there was no evidence of urinary tract infection on those specimens. When there were more than 10 cells per c. mm. there were true infections in those subjects. 3. When there were more than 100, 000 organisms per milliliter there were true infections in those subjects. There were less than 100, 000 organisms per milliliter even in the control group. 4. In steroid provocation test, there were carried out in 20 controls and in 60 patients, the positive test was a rise in white cell count or bacteria count together of at least 100 percent in those 60 patients, but no response in those 20 control group."


¿ä°Ë»ç; ¿ä·Î°¨¿°; white cell; bacteria; urinary tract infection

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