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Sparganum MansoniÀÇ ºÎ°íȯÁÖÀ§±â»ý 1·Ê A Case of Sparganosis lnfesting on the Human Epididymis

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1968³â 9±Ç 2È£ p.99 ~ 101
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³²À縸/Nam JM ±èºÀ¼®/Kim BS


"Sparganum is parasite infesting principally in the cats or dogs, but many human reported. In Korea, the reported cases of human sparganosis are over 20 cases. However the urogenital infestation of sparganum is relatively rare, and none of any report of infestation in the epididymis is available. We experienced a case of the sparganum infesting on the epididymis which vas confused with the epididymitis on palpation."


½ºÆĸ£°¡´®Áõ; sparganosis; epididymis

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