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ÀÏÃø¼º Àü½Å¼®È¸ÁõÀÇ 1 ·Ê A Case of Unilateral Nephrocalcinosis

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1969³â 10±Ç 1È£ p.25 ~ 30
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ÀÓº´½Â/Yim BS


"A case of unilateral nephrocalcinosis was presented in a 14-year-old Korean adolescent, with chief complaints of vague or dull pain of the left flank region for about 2 months duration, especially during exertion. Clinical and radiological study confirmed that the left kidney showed total and diffuse calcification and Accordingly stony consistency proved. Postoperatively. Surgical removal of the kidney was successful and uneventful with complete disappearancesof the complaints Brief review of literature was also made."


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